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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Managing Talent for Success: Today and Tomorrow

    needs of nine billion people addressing energy security issues providing substitutes for petroleum-based ... people mean to an organization in financial terms. The difference in impact generated by the top 20% of ... revenue than average employees. Recognizing and rewarding the value your top people deliver is key because ...

  2. Ohio’s Urban Ag in Ohio

    Introduction This online resource hub connects people and resources in ways that address the ... of Ohio’s agriculture community, many people recognize and contribute to the dyanmic urban context ... (scale- plenty of people, diversity- valued perspectives, complexity- multiple jurisdictions and issues, ...

  3. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    and nutrition education program designed for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes and their family ...

  4. Online Backyard Poultry Course

    flocks provide the opportunity for people in rural and urban areas alike to produce tasty eggs and meat ...

  5. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  6. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  7. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  8. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  9. Urban Ag Production

    WHY Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, ... Ohio's urban, suburban, and rural communities. People are involved with urban ag production at home, ...

  10. 2025 Pesticide Crash Course

    limited, so no walk-ins will be available. Contact: Sarah Noggle,, (419) 399-8225 ...
