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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension



C.O.R.N. Newsletter Articles

  1. When considering adjusting your corn nitrogen program for dry weather conditions, consider how N gets to the root system for uptake. Mass flow is the primary mechanism for nitrogen (also sulfur, magnesium, and calcium). Mass flow is where nutrients in soil solution move toward the root as the plant takes up and transpires water through the crop canopy. Also, consider how dry weather affects the plant root system. Root growth will slow in dry soils, the situation we are now experiencing in the upper soil depths.

    Issue: 2023-17
  2. Author(s): Ed Lentz, CCA

    The Ohio State University Extension – Hancock County office will be offering its Hot Topics in Grain Crops Series over three evenings in February and March at the Hancock County Agricultural Service Center, 7868 CR 140, Findlay, OH 45840. Each meeting will cover one specific crop – wheat, corn, and soybean. Local research results and a discussion on upcoming production issues will be presented at the meeting. There will also be a Question-and-Answer period to address any issue concerning that crop which was not part of the presentation.

    Issue: 2023-04
  3. Fertilizer applicator certification began in 2014. The agricultural fertilizer applicator certificate is required by the Ohio Department of Agriculture when you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production. Agricultural production is defined as grain, forage, and other cash crops grown primarily for sale. Both horticultural and agronomic crops are included under this law. There is no distinction between commercial and private fertilizer applicators: both certify or recertify in an identical way.

    Issue: 2023-02
  4. Author(s): Eric Richer, CCA

    Throughout this winter meeting season, fertilizer has been a hot topic. Generally, the discussion has been around nitrogen price and availability. Most of us have little to no influence on price or availability, but as a farmer, you decide your corn (and wheat) nitrogen rates, assuming you can get the nitrogen product you want. Your corn nitrogen rate could likely cost $100 per acre more in 2022 as compared to the year prior and nitrogen will probably surpass seed as the most expensive variable cost per acre this year.

    Issue: 2022-05
  5. Author(s): Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA , Author(s): Steve Culman

    During this period of high prices and uncertain availability of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, a few basic soil fertility concepts can help guide application decision-making. Fortunately, the work during 2014-2020 that led to the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendation for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa-2020 is current information we use. Here are a few key points from the Tri-States plus some other principles that may help.

    Issue: 2022-03
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