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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


C.O.R.N. Newsletter

  1. Soyean planting rate chart
    Author(s): Laura Lindsey

    Planting date.  Planting date (both too early and too late) can reduce soybean yield potential.  In 2013 and 2014, we conducted a planting date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio.  In both years, soybean yield decreased by 0.6 bu/ac per day when planting after mid-May.  The greatest benefit of planting May 1 to mid-May is canopy closure which increases light interception, improves weed control by shading out weeds, and helps retain soil moisture. 

    Issue: 2015-09
  2. Author(s): Anne Dorrance , Author(s): Andy Michel

    We all have those “I wish I had done list” – we won’t discuss how long ours are after one of these rush seasons.  Soil temperatures are:

    Issue: 2015-08
  3. Author(s): John Fulton

    Even though the snow is falling here this evening, it is time to check the planter. Here is a list of suggestions for planter setup and maintenance.

    ·         Check meters on a test stand in order to visually inspect parts and evaluate performance.

    ·         Inspect all mechanical drive components and look for any excessive wear including down pressure springs, parallel linkages and bushings.

    ·         Check seed tubes for any wear in particular the bottom section that can wear or become damaged.  Replace if damaged or has excessive wear.

    Issue: 2015-06
  4. Author(s): Anne Dorrance

    At several meetings and based on a few emails this winter it is very clear that Ohio soybean farmers are examining their budgets and looking for ways to cut costs in 2015.  Planting naked seed, no fungicide seed treatment, is one place that some producers are contemplating.  There is plenty of concern if this is really a good choice to reduce costs.  It is true that soybeans do not always need a fungicide seed treatment.  However, on our soils with poor drainage where replanting is relatively common, replanting costs today are much higher than our estimates of $80/acre from 10 years ago.

    Issue: 2015-04
  5. Seedcorn maggot damage that reduced soybean stand
    Author(s): Andy Michel

    Last week, the EPA determined that there is no benefit from neonicotinoid seed treatments on soybean.  There complete ruling can be read here ( ), and is based on an analysis of data published comparing treated and non-treated soybean.  They conclude that “Published data indicate that in most cases there is no difference

    Issue: 2014-36
