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Agronomic Crops Network

Ohio State University Extension


Wheat Insects

C.O.R.N. Newsletter Articles

  1. cereal leaf beetle
    Author(s): Andy Michel , Author(s): Kelley Tilmon

    Around this time in May, we may see increases of cereal leaf beetle in wheat and other small grains.  In fact, a few adults have already been spotted in a few fields. Adults are not the most damaging stage, but they will lay eggs which will hatch into the hungrier and more damaging larvae in the next few weeks. Look for adult beetles which are metallic blue and orange. 

    Issue: 2020-13
  2. Cereal Leaf Beetle
    Author(s): Andy Michel , Author(s): Kelley Tilmon

    Populations of cereal leaf beetle are increasing in Ohio.  Although adults can feed on wheat, the larvae do most of the damage.  These larvae are small, gray and moist, and are covered with a substance resembling bird droppings.  Damaged wheat appears “frosted” as the cereal leaf beetle feeds and strips away leaf material.  Wheat fields are best inspected using a sweep net or by walking the field.  Infestations exceeding 2 larvae per stem may require an insecticide treatment to prevent further loss. 

    Issue: 2019:16
  3. armyworm
    Author(s): Kelley Tilmon , Author(s): Andy Michel

    In April we reported that University of Kentucky true armyworm moth counts were higher than average.  These moths migrate northward, so if our southern neighbor reported high catches, many moths also likely made it into Ohio. After migrating and establishing, armyworms begin to lay eggs in grasses, including wheat fields and cover crop fields (that may have corn planted soon). Larvae feed for about 3 weeks before pupating. This article discusses armyworm management in corn and small grains.

    Issue: 2017-13
  4. cereal leaf beetle larva
    Author(s): Andy Michel , Author(s): Kelley Tilmon

    Adult cereal leaf beetles have been spotted in a few areas across OH.  Adults do not normally cause yield loss in wheat, but, if present in high numbers, they could lead to heavy larval infestations over the next few weeks.  Adult cereal leaf beetles are shiny, metallic blue and orange and are best found using a sweep net or by walking the field.  Cereal leaf beetle larvae are small, gray and moist, resembling bird droppings, and are easily found on wheat leaves.  Foliar damage on wheat occurs when larvae feed and strip the leaves, causing a “frosted appearance.”  Economic threshold of cere

    Issue: 2017-11
  5. Author(s): Andy Michel , Author(s): Kelley Tilmon

    Last week, the University of Kentucky reported high true armyworm moth counts (see: The mild winter likely contributed to the higher and earlier catches this year.

    Issue: 2017-07


  1. 01/2011

    Control of Insect Pests of Field Crops, Bulletin 545. Gives detailed information on pest control thresholds and insecticide options for management of insects in corn, soybean, wheat and alfalfa.

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