Utilizing Precision Data to Guide Management Decisions on The Farm
Length: 1:00 (originally presented January 24, 2017)
Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins (OSU Field Specialist) on Making Data-Driven Planting Prescriptions.
Dr. John Fulton (OSU FABE) explores additional ways to incorporate data into farm management.
To see the presentation click here.
Corn Production: Diseases, Ear Rots, Environmental Conditions
Length: 1:00 (originally presented January 31, 2017)
Dr. Pierce Paul, OSU Cereal Crop Diseases details eat rots and mycotoxins in corn
Dr. Peter Thomison, OSU Corn Specialist discusses how to diagnose ear development problems
To see presentation click here.
Soil Health and Cover Crops
Length: 1:30 (originally presented February 21, 2017)
Dr. Steve Culman, Asst. Professor Soils and OSU Soil Fertility Specialist
Dr. V. Ryan Haden, Asst. Professor - Soils and Agronomy
To see presentation click here. Please advance the recording to minute 5:28 to begin listening.
Insect Trends in 2016: WBC and Stink Bugs & Management Practices to Increase Soybean Yields
Dr. Kelley Tilmon, Assoc. Professor and State Specialist for Field Crop Entomology, Ohio State University
Dr. Laura Lindsey, Asst. Professor - Soybean and Small Grain Agronomy, Ohio State University
Length: 1:00 (originally presented February 28, 2017)
To see presentation click here.
If you have questions about these recordings, please contact bennett.709@osu.edu.